FND Awareness Day Thread

I have been working in Functional Seizures Clinical Psychology since 2019. Even in that relatively short time, we have effectively set up our service twice owing to the rapid adaptation that the COVID-19 epidemic necessitated. We offer one-to-one and group interventions as well as providing information and training to wider services. Our service’s main therapeutic approach is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). COVID-19 has meant that we have moved to a much more online model of delivery, with its benefits and drawbacks.

March 25th was functional neurological condition awareness day, and I decided to post a Twitter thread to mark the day and hopefully share useful information that we have gleaned on our service’s journey more widely. It has since had 13000 views and various retweets so I thought it might be helpful to repost it here.

NB I have misattributed the pressure cooker analogy to @NEAD_UK when in fact it appeared in an historic version of this excellent resource.

The thread itself may continue to be added to over time as more information and resources come to light.

By charlie

I have worked therapeutically with people for over a decade across a wide range of settings, helping individuals, couples, families and groups across the full age range address their concerns with anxiety and mood, sleep, chronic health conditions and other issues.If you are considering therapy, please get in touch via the Contact Me page and we have an initial 20 minute consultation for free by phone or video call to discuss your concerns, and see if you would like to proceed with me.Psychological support offers the opportunity to introduce another mind to help with processing experiences or information that might be too emotionally charged to work through alone.